Abra www.abra.com Global Cryptocurrency App
AlphaPoint www.alphapoint.com White Label Digital Asset Exchange
Applied Blockchain www.appliedblockchain.com Private Blockchain Applications
Ascribe www.ascribe.io Blockchain Digital Property Authentication
Auditchain www.auditchain.com Decentralized Accounting
B9 www.b9lab.com Blockchain training, advisory and research
Binance www.binance.com Digital Asset Trading Platform
Binded www.binded.com Copyright via Blockchain Technology
Bitfinex www.bitfinex.com Digital Asset Trading Platform
Bitfury www.bitfury.com Full Service Blockchain Infrastructure
BitGo www.bitgo.com Blockchain Security
Bitcoin.com www.bitcoin.com Bitcoin News Media and Wallet
Bitmain www.bitmain.com Bitcoin Blockchain Mining
Bitpay www.bitpay.com Blockchain Payments
Blockchains LLC www.blockchains.com Blockchain Venture and Idea Incubator
Block Verify www.blockverify.io Blockchain Based Anti-Counterfeit Solutions
BlockApps www.blockapps.net Blockchain API for Ethereum & Bitcoin 2.0
Blockchain.com www.blockchain.com Cryptocurrency Wallet, Explorer, and More
BlockCypher www.blockcypher.com Blockchain Web Services
BlockStack www.blockstack.org Blockchain Software Stack
Blockstream www.blockstream.com Sidechains, Open Assets, Smart Contracts
Blockchain Capital www.blockchain.capital Blockchain Venture Capital
Bloq www.bloq.com Enterprise Grade Blockchains
BTC Media www.btcmedia.org Bitcoin Media Company
BTCC www.btcc.com Digital Asset Trading Platform
BW www.bw.com Bitcoin Blockchain Mining
Cambridge Blockchain www.cambridge-blockchain.com Identity Compliance via Blockchain
CCN www.ccn.com Cryptocurrency News Platform
Chain www.chain.com Enterprise Blockchain Software
Chainalysis www.chainalysis.com Blockchain analysis and compliance
Chronicled www.chronicled.com Smart Supply Chain Solutions
Circle www.circle.com Crypto Financial Applications
Civic www.civic.com Secure Digital Identity
Clearmatics www.clearmatics.com Next-Gen Clearing for OTC Markets
Cobalt www.cobaltdl.com Distributed Ledger Financial Markets
Coinbase www.coinbase.com Buy, Sell, Trade Digital Currency
CoinDesk www.coindesk.com Blockchain News
Cointelegraph www.cointelegraph.com Cryptocurrency News and Media
Consensys www.consensys.net Decentralized Applications
Counterparty www.counterparty.io Bitcoin 2.0 Protocol & Cryptocurrency
Crypto News www.cryptonews.com Cryptocurrency News Platform
Digital Asset www.digitalasset.com Distributed Ledger Financial Services
Digital Currency Group www.dcg.co Bitcoin and Blockchain Investments
Due www.due.com Digital Wallet and Payments
Earn www.earn.com Earn Cryptocurrency for Tasks
EarthPort www.earthport.com Distribued Ledger Payment Network
Elliptic www.elliptic.co Bitcoin Blockchain Actionable Intelligence
Enigma www.enigma.co Scalable Decentralized Applications
ETHNews www.ethnews.com Ethereum and Blockchain News
Everledger www.everledger.io High-Value Asset Certification
Factom www.factom.com Scalable Data Layer for the Blockchain
Filament www.filament.com Blockhain IoT Stack
Gem www.gem.co All-in-One Cryptocurrency App
Gemini www.gemini.com Cryptocurrency Exchange
Genesis Mining www.genesis-mining.com Cryptocurrency Cloud Mining Contracts
Genesis Trading www.genesistrading.com OTC Digital Currency Trading
Grayscale www.grayscale.co Digital Currency Asset Manager
Halong Mining www.halongmining.com Bitcoin Mining Hardware
Hijro www.hijro.com Permissioned Blockchains for Supply Chain
HyperLedger www.hyperledger.org Distributed Ledger Open Standards Project
Kraken www.kraken.com Digital Asset Exchange
KYC-Chain www.kyc-chain.com DLT Digital Identity
L4 www.l4.ventures Decentralized Web - Web 3
Ledger Wallet www.ledgerwallet.com Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet
Manifold Technology www.manifoldtechnology.com Serverless Blockchains
MediaChain www.mediachain.io Decentralized Media Library
MultiChain www.multichain.com Build-Your-Own Blockchain
NEM www.nem.io Smart Asset Blockchain
Netki www.netki.com Global ID Verification
Noble Markets www.noblebankint.com Blockchain Capital Markets
Norbloc www.norbloc.com Blockchain Know-Your-Customer
Omni www.omnilayer.org Bitcoin Based Decentralized Asset Platform
Openchain www.openchainproject.org Open Source Distributed Ledgers
Paxos www.paxos.com Blockchain Powered Trust for Settlement
Pantera Capital www.panteracapital.com Blockchain Investment Fund
PeerNova www.peernova.com Large Scale Immutable Ledgers
Polychain Capital www.polychain.capital Blockchain Asset Hedgefund
R3 www.r3.com Distributed Ledger Consortium
Ripple www.ripple.com Global Financial Settlement
RootStock (RSK) www.rsk.co Bitcoin Powered Smart Contracts
Scorechain www.scorechain.com Bitcoin Blockchain Analytics
SETL www.setl.io Blockchain Payment and Settlement
Shapeshift www.shapeshift.io Digital Asset Exchange
Shocard www.shocard.com Blockchain Based Digital Identity
Skuchain www.skuchain.com B2B & Supply Chain Blockchains
SmartContract www.smartcontract.com Smart Contracts
Stem www.stem.is Content Creator Payment & Management Platform
Stratis www.stratisplatform.com Blockchain Development Platform
Symbiont www.symbiont.io Smart Securities
Tendermint www.tendermint.com Blockchain App Development Simplified
Tezos www.tezos.com Decentralied Applications and Smart Contracts
Tierion www.tierion.com/ Blockchain Proof Engine
Token www.token.cwww.token.com om Digital Asset Debit Card
Token www.token.io Banking as a Service (BaaS)
TradeBlock www.tradeblock.com Blockchain Enterprise Tools
tZERO www.tzero.com Blockchain Based Securities
Wave www.wavebl.com Blockchain for Supply Chains
Waves Platform www.wavesplatform.com Blockchain Token Platform
Ujo www.ujomusic.com Music Industry Infrastructure via Blockchains
Uphold www.uphold.com Digital Financial Services
Verisart www.verisart.com Verifying and Certifying Physical Art via Blockchains
XAPO www.xapo.com Secure Bitcoin Storage